Neighborship can help people...

 ...connect more effectively both with their neighbors and with others across their town or city. 
State Rep. Paul Luebke (D-Durham)

Hartmut Jahn has put...

 ...his heart and soul into making Neighborship useful, flexible and fun. 
Steve Schewel, City Council (Durham)

A Leap Forward...

 ... For Intra-Neighborhood Communication.  in BullCityMutterings
Reyn Bowman, President Emeritus of the Durham (N.C.) Convention & Visitors Bureau

Neighborship is fun, well thought and easy to orchestrate...

 ...Hartmut has been very available to accommodate our needs and to customize it for Southern Village. I think that it has been a positive addition to Southern Village and I hope that it will continue to grow. Neighborship seems to be a site that has come on at the right time to satisfy our increasing need for quick and easy communication... 
Mary Jo Coppola, Board VP, Southern-Village in Chapel Hill, NC

Neighborship is solving real world problems...

 ... with real world solutions. Every community needs to consider Neighborship. 
Daniel Howard, founder of, HOA Board Member in Sacramento, CA

New way to be neighborly...

 ... A lot of neighborhoods in Durham and elsewhere have email lists for residents to connect with each other. Hartmut Jahn says he's taken neighborhood networking to a whole new level... 
Jim Wise, Staff Writer in Durham, NC