A new and fresh approach to online communities.

We invite you to join Neighborship where you can place ads, post events, organize groups, have structured conversations, read or submit contractor reviews, and much more! Use Neighborship as a time-saving 1-Stop-Solution to your community’s needs and relieve your mind and your mailbox of unnecessary clutter. Personalize your landing page with information that matters to you. Participate in our new city-related parent network, have access to relevant information of your whole community. Enjoy communicating securely and more effectively, even beyond your community boundaries. Be in touch with your neighbors when you want to!

 Join Us 

Your New Virtual Garden Fence...     

Cannot find your community? How to stay in touch with us.



  Please, keep me posted!
  I am an interested neighbor.
  I am a board member.
  I belong to a Property Management Group.

Or call 919-399-1589 / email.